TorontoTorontoCalgaryAtlantic Provinces Mon - Fri 10:00-17:00 1 (866) 677-3007 Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 403-807-1111 Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 902-830-8868
TorontoTorontoCalgaryAtlantic Provinces Mon - Fri 10:00-17:00 1 (866) 677-3007 Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 403-807-1111 Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 902-830-8868
FEI Canada
1,100+ Members
12 Chapters
Across Canada
Leading Voice
For Senior Financial Executives

Duncan McPhedran

Duncan McPhedran

Duncan McPhedran

Founding CFO & President of Big Guns Energy Services Inc.

Calgary Chapter

Duncan is a Founding CFO and current President of Big Guns Energy Services Inc., the largest privately-held subsurface geocontainment testing and evaluation company in Canada. BGES believes in applying science to prevent safety, environmental and financial disasters. The Company specializes in the Canadian oil sands and solution mined salt caverns. Duncan’s experience is in sectors which include Energy, Petroleum, Onshore Operations and Subsurface Energy Storage.

Duncan has been a member of FEI Canada since 2008 and is a FEI Calgary Chapter board member on its Membership committee.

Entrepreneurship and private company strategy, leadership have driven Duncan’s career for over the 30+ years. The key to any private company’s success includes sound corporate finance and cash management practises. Duncan has vast experience in exploring for and negotiating the optimal finance structure for private company success.

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