Florian has been involved as an interim Chief Financial Officer or Board member for company’s going through change and is often the Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) for struggling companies over the past twenty years within Newhouse Partners Inc. During his 35 years he has had various finance roles as a financial officer, external auditor, internal auditor, group controller, treasurer, CFO, interim CFO, CRO and member of the Board.
Prior to consulting, Florian worked for: an engineering company, Nabisco and RJR-MacDonald, Bow Valley Industry, RBC, BMO and PWC.
Within FEI Southern Golden Horseshoe Chapter, Florian is on its Board as Membership Retention Chair and part of the Independent Contractor Group.
Reach out to Florian | fmeyer@newhousepartners.com | (416) 873-8684